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Monday, September 9, 2024

Santa Eulària collects nearly €2 million in fines from major offenders

El Ayuntamiento recauda 1,76 millones de euros desde el 1 de enero de 2023 en sanciones de más de 100.000 euros por expedientes abiertos por infracciones de la normativa urbanística o de actividades

The City Council collects 1.76 million euros from January 1, 2023 in penalties over 100,000 euros for proceedings opened for infringements of town planning or activity regulations

The City Council of Santa Eulària has collected 1.76 million euros since January 1, 2023 in penalties of more than 100,000 euros for proceedings opened for infringements of town planning or activity regulations. In total, this money is divided into six major infringement proceedings, four of which correspond to unauthorized urban planning actions and the other two to activities.

As explained by the Consistory in a statement, it is the circumstance that so far this year has already collected more than in all of 2023 in terms of these large files. Thus, in the first months of this year an urban planning sanction of 382,000 euros has been collected and two others for infringing the regulations on activities for 107,500 and 483,900 euros. Last year, on the other hand, no fines of more than €100,000 were recorded for activity matters and three for urban planning issues, with amounts of €107,400, €405,500 and €275,500.

The inspection activity to prevent and, if any, punish violations of urban planning and activities regulations is one of the fundamental tasks of the City Council of Santa Eulària. In most cases, the fines that end up being collected have reduced amounts due to the little entity of the observed improprieties or the application of reductions required by law in cases such as the immediate admission of the facts, the restitution of the space to its previous condition or the prompt payment of the fine raised in the sanction proposal.

The highest sanction, of 483,900 euros 483,900 (the fine itself plus other amounts for the delay in payment), corresponds to an infringement of the regulations on activities for a case in which an activity as a cafeteria, yoga center and day care center was found to be operating without having the necessary permits and necessary conditions. The next one in terms of amount is one of 405,000 euros for an illegal extension of a single-family house in the area of Cala Llonga, followed by another one of 382,000 euros, also for an integral reform of a house that had been executed with the justification of multiple previous communications of minor works that did not cover the totality of the interventions carried out.

The sanction of 275,000 euros corresponds to the works of a rehabilitation and reform works, as well as the construction of a parking lot outside a catering establishment in Santa Gertrudis. The last two files charged are a fine for an infringement of activities by carrying out storage and collection of construction materials on a rustic plot without a permit and another for the use of a house in an urban area of Jesus without having obtained the certificate of completion and license of first occupation.

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.

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