Friday, February 7, 2025
13.9 C
Ibiza Town

The best plans for the weekend in Ibiza and Formentera

After the Eivissa Medieval fair, the center of Ibiza will be filled again this weekend, but in this case of art, with the Fantasia Ibiza Festival. Art market with live painting, shows, performances, concerts, conferences… will occupy from Friday to Sunday the Paseo de Vara de Rey, Plaza del Parque, Parque Reina Sofia and the bastion of Sant Pere.

If it is already rare to find a spring weekend without a gastronomic event, this Saturday there are two, a fideuá contest at the Puig d’en Valls festivities and a potato fair in Sant Josep. You will have to choose. In addition, the puig d’en Valls festivities continue their program with concerts, shows and children’s activities until Sunday, when they celebrate their big day.

As for music, there are some interesting concerts, such as that of Catalan singer Joan Masdeu in Formentera or that of the Ciutat d’Eivissa Symphony Orchestra on Sunday, with works by Borodin and Rimsky-Korsakov.

There is also room for theater, with the play ‘Lotsogabe’ by the Grup de Teatre del Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs, or for fashion, with a new edition of the Pasarela de Formenteraamong other points of interest. And for dance with ‘Ras Leela. A Bollywood Odyssey’, on Thursday and Friday at Can Ventosa and street dance at Vara de Rey on Saturday.

Live painting at the Fantasia Ibiza Festival

Live painting at the Fantasía Ibiza Festival / J. A. Riera


Puig d’en Valls Festivities

18 hours: Just Dance Tournament for young people from 11 to 17 years old. Punt Jove.


‘Ras Leela. A Bollywood Odyssey’. Bollywood show with Sunny Singh. Can Centosa Auditorium at 8.30 pm. Tickets at 15 € at

Museums Day

Monographic Museum of Puig des Molins. Guided visit to the exhibition ‘Per a la nostra senyora Tinnit, la poderosa’ at 12 noon. Free entrance until full capacity is reached.


‘Unknowns’. By Andrew High (United Kingdom, 2023) VOSE. Cycle Anem al Cine de Vila. 20.30 hours at Multicines Eivissa.

LGTBI Cinefórum: ‘After Samuel’. 20.30 hours at the Casal d’Igualtat de Vila. Organized by: Sa Clau de s’Armari.

Theater: 'Lotsogabe'. Friday and Saturday at Cas Serres

Theater: ‘Lotsogabe’. Friday and Saturday at Cas Serres / Vicent Marí


Fantasía Ibiza Festival

5pm to 11pm: Art Fair with exhibition of 25 artists and live painting in the Plaza del Parque. 5 pm: Presentation of the Escola d’Arts d’Eivissa in Vara de Rey.Vara de Rey. 18 hours: Live graffiti with Maria Vila Rebolo – Pief. Queen Sofia Park 6 pm: Art market with live painters in the Plaza del Parque. Performance by YaYa Visconti at Reina Sofía Park. Live painting with Mirela Gheorghiu at Vara de Rey. Gesto Creativo Plant-ARTE with Irene Garzón Pérez at Vara de Rey. 7 pm: Children’s playground with EducArte Ibiza in the Plaza de Sa Tarongeta. 19.30 hours: Master of Ceremony I The Unknown Artist, at Queen Sofia Park. Live music with Niños de la Isla at the Reina Sofia Park and with HIjas de la Tierra at the Baluard de Sant Pere 8 pm: Theater by Vaporustedes at Queen Sofia Park. Bubble Show with Sabina Quaglio at the Plaza del Parque. 20.30 hours: Music with Núria Garcia at the Reina Sofia Park. 9 pm: Contemporary dance with Cia.Las Moira, in the Reina Sofia Park. Music Roman Dance ‘voice’ Alarcon Marta Chandra at the Baluard de Sant Pere. 21.3 pm: Interactive WaaM We All Are Music – Tu Cuerpo Suena at Parque Reina Sofía. 10 pm: Live music Rebecca Gamboa & Band…James Band at Queen Sofia Park 22.45 hours: Tanoura Dance ‘Sacred Turn’, at Queen Sofia Park 11pm: Concert by YaYa Visconti at the Reina Sofia Park.

Puig d’en Valls Festivities

17.30 hours: Inauguration of the exhibition of works of CEIP Puig d’en Valls and CEIP S’Olivera. Cultural center. 6 p.m: Gymkhana for young people from 11 to 17 years old. Punt Jove. Activities in the tent: 7 pm: Cachirulo and his friends. 20 hours: Music with Ídolos de Barro. 10 pm: Music with Esta me la sé.


Joan Masdéu. Concert by the Catalan singer, organized by OCB. 8 pm at the Centre Antoni Tur Gabrielet in Sant Francesc.


‘Conspiracy – Kill the President!’ Presentation of the book by Bosco Cortés. 20.30 h at Librería Hipérbole de Vila.

‘Walking with arthritis’. Presentation of the book by the author, M. Isabel Pérez, and Katrin Penschow, president of the association Affares Eivissa. 20.3 pm at Can Ventosa library.


‘Lotsogabe’. By the Grup de Teatre del Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs. Written by Bernat Joan i Marí. Directed by Àngels Martínez. Friday and Saturday at 8 pm at the Cas Serres Auditorium. 6 € in advance at the headquarters of the IEE. 10 € at the box office.


‘Ras Leela. A Bollywood Odyssey’. Bollywood show with Sunny Singh. Can Centosa Auditorium at 8.30 pm. Tickets at 15 € at


Formentera Catwalk 2024. Parade with 14 designers from the island and abroad. Presented by: Regina Mayans and Pepo Rubio. 10 pm at Plaça de la Constitució in Sant Francesc.

Museums Day

Monographic Museum of Puig des Molins. Guided visit to the MAEF conservation laboratory at 12 noon. Free admission until full capacity is reached.


‘CODA’. By Siân Heder (USA, 2021) Sant Josep’s Film Series ‘Divendres de Cine’. Selection by Cristina Ramon. 8 pm at the Can Jeroni cultural center. Free admission until full capacity is reached.

This Saturday is celebrated the Fashion Catwalk of Formentera

This Friday is celebrated the Fashion Catwalk of Formentera / Carlos Torres


Fantasía Ibiza Festival

5pm to 11pm: Art Fair with exhibition of 25 artists and live painting in the Plaza del Parque. 5 pm: Conference : ‘Transforming lives through art and technology’, by Anne Catherine Ruiz Bohorquez and Rafael Ramirez-Melendez at Ebusus. 6 pm: Live graffiti with Zsar – Fossi in Reina Sofia Park. Art Market with live painters in the Plaza del Parque. 18.30 hours: Concert by Daniele Milglietta aka Dani.Musika at Queen Sofia Park 7 pm: Playground with EducArte Ibiza by Cristian Henríquez at the Plaza de Sa Tarongeta. 19.30 hours: Concert by Maria Escobedo at the Baluard de Sant Pere. Music Dance with Saigo Dicenta Mafalda Mas at Reina Sofia Park. 8 pm: Concert by Bruno Aguzzi at Queen Sofia Park. Entertainment for children with Sonrisas Mágicas at the Plaza del Parque 20.30 hours: Live music with Rebecca & The Fellas at Reina Sofia Park. Face painting with Abymagicolors at Reina Sofia Park. Music with Alas de Luz at Baluard de Sant Pere. 9pm, 9.30pm and 10.15pm: Interactive theater ‘Travelers in 2 Times’, at the Queen Sofia Park. 21.3 pm: Contemporary dance with ArtCo at the Reina Sofia Park. 21.45 hours: Performance with ellebannA Performing Arts at Reina Sofia Park. 10 pm: Live music with Yādū at the Baluard de Sant Pere. 22.30 hours: Concert by Ibossim Flamenco at the Reina Sofia Park. 11 pm: Ibiza Global Radio with José Maria Ramon at the Reina Sofia Park.

Puig d’en Valls Festivities

11 am: First fideuá contest of the festivities of es Puig d’en Valls. Limited places. Sports area. Activities in the tent: 2pm: Great popular fideuá for 100 people. Tiques the same day. 1 to 2:30 p.m: Ambient music with Musicaires Swing Trio. 18.30 hours: Concert by Los Corleone. 7 pm: Dance exhibition of the Creix association and students of the Paca Alarcón academy, followed by masterclass. 19.45 hours: Tribute to the clowns with Jose Boto and Mauri. 8 pm: lll Parish Contest of Tortilla de Patatas. Delivery of omelets from 18 h in the Church Square. Music in the marquee: 20.45 hours: Morning Drivers. 22.15 hours: Tribute to Héroes del Silencio. 23.45 hours: DJ Toni Torres.


I Fira de sa Patata Eivissenca. Lectures, showcookings, tastings, children’s activities and contest between restaurants and bars of potato elaborations at popular prices. From 12 to 18 hours in Sant Josep.


‘Música Nostra by Vicent Tur Palau, by the Petit Cor and chamber orchestra. Conducted by Jordi Martí. Cycle Music and Heritage of Sant Josep. 9 p.m. at sa Font des Verger de Sant Josep.

Museum Day

Vila Museums. Guided visits to the Broner House (10 h), (MACE) (11.30 h) and Museu Puget (13 h) by the director, Elena Ruiz Sastre. Free drawing workshops at MACE and Museu Puget from 10 am to 2 pm. Free admission.

Monographic Museum of Puig des Molins. Guided tour in Catalan. Free activity (12 h.) and Presentation of the book ‘Pedra, paper, museu!!! and children’s games (13 h).

Can Ros Ethnographic Museum. Santa Eulària. From 6.30 p.m. celebration of the 30th anniversary with presentation of Ses Pageses Emprenyades and concert of Esta me la sé.

Molí d’en Simó de Sant Antoni. Children’s workshops by Sueños de Ibiza from 11 am to 1 pm.

Sa Nostra Sala. From 11 am to 1 pm and from 4 pm to 6.30 pm, introductory workshops on ceramics by Neus Riera and Laura Huguet from Cuina de Fang.


‘Lotsogabe’. By the Grup de Teatre del Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs. Written by Bernat Joan i Marí. Directed by Àngels Martínez. 8 p.m. at the Cas Serres Auditorium. 6 € in advance at the headquarters of the IEE. 10 € at the box office.


‘Dansa a la Plaça’. Performances by Academia IDA (11.30 am), Dance Academy (12 pm), Centro de Danza (12.30 pm), Estudio Capricorn (1 pm) and Sabrina Dance Center (1.30 pm). Paseo de Vara de Rey. Free admission.


I Jornades Culturals de sa Colla de Labritja: així ballam a sa Colla de Labritja. Investigam els nostres balls’. Coordinated by: Juan Antonio Torres Escandell, with Maria Marí des Café. 20 hours in the plenary room of the Town Hall of Sant Joan.

Puig d'en Valls celebrates its big day on Sunday

Puig d’en Valls celebrates its big day this Sunday / Vicent Marí


Fantasia Ibiza Festival

5pm to 11pm: Art Fair with exhibition of 25 artists and live painting in the Plaza del Parque. 5 pm: Conference ‘El arte del ser’ Desenfoc-Arte Workshop with Irene Garzon Perez at Ebusus. 18 hours: Live graffiti with Mondo Biq – RuinseñoR at Reina Sofia Park. Art market at Plaza del Parque. Live music with Devanagari at Reina Sofia Park. 7 pm: Creativity workshop with Escuela El Traç at Plaza del Parque. Live music dance with Oggie Marinski & Marta Chandra at Baluard de Sant Pere. Live music with Kinky Bwoy at Reina Sofia Park. 8 pm: Live music with Kirtan Ibiza at the Baluard de Sant Pere. Indian dance with Bollywood Ibiza at the Reina Sofia Park. Body Painting with Giada Gilardoni at Reina Sofia Park. 20.30 hours: Dance with Gipsy Cor at Reina Sofia Park. Face painting with Abymagicolors at Reina Sofía Park. 20.45 hours: Concert by Los Granja Jungle at the Reina Sofia Park. 21.30 hours: Sufi dance and cello with Esencia – Susana Paz and Susana Rosza at Queen Sofia Park. 10 pm: Live music and tango with El Tango Gaucho Mano a Mano at Queen Sofia Park. Video art with Aguascopio at Baluard de Sant Pere. 22.30 hours: African dance with Wontanara percussion and African dance in the Queen Sofia Park. 11 pm: Jam session with Samuel De Lara, Giuseppe Carlo Militello, Olmo Vera and Gui Oliveira at Parque Reina Sofia.

Puig d’en Valls Festivities

10.30 hours: Parade with the band Esencia. 11 am: Solemn Mass with the participation of the Choir of es Puig d’en Valls followed by procession. 12.30 hours: Traditional dance by Colla des Puig d’en Valls, Xacoters de sa Torre and Colla d’Aubarca. 13 hours: Parade of wagons. Activities in the tent: 18.30 hours: Family entertainment with Kairós Ibiza Eventos. 19.30 hours: Magic show with Mag Albert. 20.30 hours: Humor show with Jose Boto and Angelito el Largo. 21.30 hours: Exhibition of the Club Gimnasia Rítmica Puig d’en Valls. 22 hours: Acrobatics show with Ibiza Arte Aéreo. 23 hours: Performance by Aiyé Batucada Ibiza next to the tent.

Festival of Sant Isidre in Sant Josep

From 11 h: Exhibition of agricultural machinery, craft fair, local produce and plants. Workshop of candles with beeswax. 10.30 a 12 h: Soap workshop. Pre-registration at 12.30 hours: Flower centerpieces workshop. Pre-registration at 12.30 h: Concert of Aires Formenterencs. From 7 pm: Parade of wagons, mass, procession and ball pagès.


Orquestra Simfònica Ciutat d’Eivissa. polovtsian Dances of Prince Igor’, by Borodin, and ‘Scheherazade’, by Rimsky-Korsakov. Conducted by Fernando Marina. Can Ventosa Auditorium at 6 pm. Tickets at 10 € at

Concert of the Orquestra Simfònica Ciutat d'Eivissa this Sunday at Can Centosa

Concert by the Orquestra Simfònica Ciutat d’Eivissa this Sunday at Can Centosa / Vicent Marí


Marga Guasch. matèries’, paintings. Ebusus Cultural Society, Vara de Rey de Vila promenade. Until May 31st.

Jordi Gómez. ‘Eclipse’. Photographs. Opening Thursday, May 16 from 8 pm at the Hotel Destino in Cap Martinet. Until the end of June.

XXI Beni Trutmann Photography Contest. Exhibition of the winning works and a selection of the participants. Sala Ajuntament Vell de Sant Francesc, Formentera. Until May 18, from 11 am to 2 pm and from 6 pm to 8 pm. Closed on Sundays, holidays and Monday mornings.

‘Cosmovision’. Works by Anthony Gofer. Ocean Drive Ibiza Hotel in Marina Botafoc. Until May 31st.

‘Naked earth’. Paintings by Carlito Dalceggio. Laterna Studio Gallery of Santa Gertrudis.

‘Culprint’. Works by the graphic art studio founded by Ernest Zacharevic and Sheena Liam. Adda Gallery at the Paradiso in Cala de Bou. Until July 13.

‘Cuina de Fang’. Exhibition of works by Neus Riera Tur and Laura Huguet Nonó, ceramists and promoters of the Cuina de Fang project. Sa Nostra Sala, c/Aragó, 17, Ibiza. Until May 31st.

‘Abstraccions Mediterrànies’. Collective exhibition of abstract artists. Far de ses Coves Blanques de Sant Antoni. From Tuesday to Friday from 5 pm to 8 pm and Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to 8 pm. Until May 25th.

‘Dones’. Collective exhibition of the Arxiu Històric d’Eivissa i Formentera of works about women. Es Polvorí Room in Dalt Vila. Tuesday to Friday from 6 to 8.30 pm. Saturdays and Sundays from 11 am to 1.30 pm. Until May 26th.

Elisabeth Louy. ‘Nomad’, paintings. Gallery Obra 23 Davide Campi, Can Bufí industrial estate. Monday to Friday from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm. Until June 15.

‘L’Art de la posidònia’. Exhibition shared between Eivissa, Deià and Cambrils with works by David Callaou, Magari Things, Elisa Pomar, Enric Majoral, Irene de Andrés, Antonio Villanueva, Júlia Ribas and Elena Martí. Exhibition Hall of the Maritime Station of the Dique des Botafoc.

el monument a Vara de Rey i l’Eivissa de 1904′. Exhibition for the 120th anniversary of the monument to Vara de Rey. Refectory Hall of the Town Hall of Eivissa. Until the end of May.

‘Jocs de carrer’. Group exhibition organized by Fundació Baleària and Art amb B. Club Diario de Ibiza. Monday to Friday from 11 am to 1 pm and Friday from 6 pm to 8 pm. Until May 21st.

Ugo Mulas. ‘Ossi di sepia’, photographs. From April 2 to June 1 at the gallery Parra&Romero in Santa Gertrudis.

Linde Bialas. Paintings. Open Sundays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or by appointment by phone 971191923. Espacio Micus, road from Jesús to Cala Llonga km 3. Until July.

‘Spring collective’. Exhibition with works by María Catalán, Julia Fragua, Carles Guasch, Adrián Cardona and Jesús de Miguel. Garden Art Gallery, ctera de Sant Josep km 8.5 detour to es Cubells (Cactus Lombribiza). Open from Monday to Saturday from 9 to 14 and from 16 to 19 hours. Until July.

‘Blue light, the art of drawing’. Drawings by Narcís Puget Viñas and ceramics of the XVII and XVIII centuries from the excavations of the old hospital of Dalt Vila. Puget Museum of Dalt Vila. Tuesday to Friday from 10 am to 4.30 pm and Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am to 2 pm. Until the middle of June.

Focus VI ‘Magatzem visitable’ . Exhibition of recent acquisitions and funds of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Eivissa (MACE). Until May 19.


Hippy Market of Punta Arabí. Crafts and products from all over the world, gastronomy, live music, children’s area, since 1973. Punta Arabí, es Canar, Santa Eulària. Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Sant Josep: Market of local produce and crafts. Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm until October 23. Children’s activities and live music.

Sant Joan: Craft market, clothing, accessories and local products. Children’s activities and live music. Sundays from 10 am to 4 pm.

Las Daliascrafts, clothing, accessories and products from all over the world. Sant Carles. Saturdays from 10 am to 7 pm and Sundays from 11 am to 6 pm.

Market of sa Cooperativalocal product kilometer 0. Every Friday from 9 am to 2 pm at the Agricultural Cooperative of Sant Antoni.

Sant Jordi: Second hand market. Every Saturday from 8 am to 3 pm at the Hippodrome de Sant Jordi.

Forada: Market of artisan products and gastronomy of Ibiza. Every Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm.

Platja d’en Bossa: Hippy market. From May 1st to October 12th. The months of May, September and October from 6pm to 11pm and the months of June, July and August from 6pm to midnight.


Second hand market of Sant Francesc: Tuesdays and Saturdays from 11 am to 2 pm in the Jardí de ses Eres. All year round.

Market of Sant Francesc: Monday to Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm. In July and August Monday and Tuesday also from 20 to 0 hours. From May 1 to October 31.

Artisan market of Sant Ferran: Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 8 pm to 0 am. From May 30 to September 28.

Craft market of La Mola: Hippie market. Wednesdays and Sundays from 4.30 pm to 10 pm. From May 1st to October 9th.

Market of es Pujols: Crafts and accessories. Monday to Friday from 19 to 0 hours. From May 1 to September 30.

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.

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