The December long weekend (the period between the public holidays of Wednesday 6 December and Friday 8 December, which runs until the 9th and 10th of the weekend) is one of the most important moments of Christmas: although there is no popular celebration beyond the Day of the Spanish Constitution and the Immaculate Conception, this date is very important for everyone who takes the opportunity to take a break, decorate their house with traditional Christmas decorations, make typical sweets or shop for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve dinners and lunches.
Although the weather for the December tends to vary depending on different factors in general, the weather expected is usually low rainfall and moderate temperatures for the south and the islands; while from the center to the north of the country during these dates temperatures usually fall around 0 degrees minimum and rainfall is restricted to the north of Spain.
Know the weather forecast for the Puente de la Constitución (Constitution Day) or the Immaculate Conception is important for all the people who move during these dates: last 2022, without going any further, the DGT expected a total of 13.5 million trips.
Among the most common transfers are “the roads whose destination are the mountain areas for the practice of winter sports, but also to others whose destination are tourist areas of rest and second homes.”as reported by the General Directorate of Traffic last year.
AEMET warning for the December 2023 Bridge
Although the Bridge of December begins on December 6, Wednesday, those who can afford it take advantage of it to bring forward its days of rest even to Monday the 4th. In any case, in order to plan both means of transportation and travel dates, it is important to consult the weather forecast for this week.
The AEMET has already advanced that for the week immediately preceding, from 27 to 3 December: “in recent days has come to our country a mass of polar air. Despite its name, this mass of air does not come from the pole,” they explained in reference to the significant drop in temperatures that will be experienced during the days leading up to the December Bridge and that will lower temperatures drastically from Sunday, December 3.
With regard to the Bridge of December, from the meteorological portal Meteored warn about the possible arrival of an atlantic ridge that gives rise to the entry of polar air masses that are associated with an abrupt drop in temperatures and, above all, the appearance of frost and snowfall.
In this sense has also been pronounced in this sense the cabañuelo Jorge Rey, who in his last prediction has been preparing the Spaniards for the rains and frosts that are coming”.
“Radical turn in the weather”
For his part, meteorologist Mario Picazo, has explained in the portal that the week before the December long weekend there will be a “radical turn in the weather” that will leave behind the “anticyclonic truce” that has brought such good temperatures during the immediately preceding days.
According to his reading of the models, an irruption of Atlantic squalls that will sow rains throughout the Peninsula and that will leave a remarkable climate of instability throughout the week is coming.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.