Friday, February 14, 2025
15.5 C
Ibiza Town

Consell de Ibiza advances plan to regulate vehicle entry on the island

The government team of the Consell de Ibiza, chaired by the popular Vicent Marí, is planning to approve this Friday in an extraordinary plenary session, to raise to the Parliament the legislative initiative that will allow to regulate the entry of vehicles on the island, as has been happening for some years in Formentera.

This approval will be carried out after the finalization of the “participatory process” open since last February 26th to detail the content of this initiative. In addition to this period of public exposure, the Consell explains that has met with “the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT), representatives of car rental companies on the island, the Consell de Diálogo Social[SocialDialogueCouncilmade up of the trade unions UGT and CCOO and the employers’ associations Pimeef and CAEB, with the city councils and representatives of the association Friends of the Caravans of the Balearic Islands“.

Also details the Consell that have been included in the text, “different amendments presented by the Mixed Group (United We Can), the Socialist Party, as well as the commitment to take into account the clarifications requested by Vox“.

With the elevation of the initiative to the Parliament, the Consell explains that “it gives continuity to the mandate of the plenary [de la institución] approved by majority vote on February 23 to promote a legislative initiative from the institution itselfwhich opened a public exhibition and a process that has served to enrich the text with modifications and additions that adapt it to the reality of the island, forming a serious and realistic proposal to be submitted for debate in the autonomous Parliament”.

It is about, they add, “the first legislative initiative raised by the Consell Insular de Ibiza to the Parliament in the last yearsa proposal that was elaborated after a period of analysis and evaluation of the problems derived from the congestion of the insular territory due to the influx of vehicles in the central months of the tourist season, July and August”.

In this study, “it was found that the number of vehicles entering Ibiza between 2021 and 2022 will quadruple, from 51,000 to 206,960which implies a great overload of the island’s road network, especially between July and August”. It is, therefore, “an unsustainable situation that must be addressed with a rule that, like the proposal, has a broad consensus. A legislative proposal developed in Ibiza and for the island that will allow the adoption of measures to control and regulate the indiscriminate arrival of vehicles in the months of greatest tourist pressure,” adds the institution.

The pending improvement in public transport

This rule to control the entry of vehicles on the island, the institutional note concludes, “will be accompanied by a significant improvement in public bus transportation that is expected with the new contract that will allow for greater frequencies and more regular travel service”.

Precisely, and on the process of awarding the public land service on the island, had to restart last January at the behest of a resolution of the Central Administrative Court of Contractual Resources (Tacrc), which partially upheld the appeal against the bidding documents filed by one of the companies that submitted bids.

The court then ordered the Consell “the retrocession of the procedure to the moment prior to the approval of the specifications, in order to modify and adapt the clauses relating to the bid price, the price revision and the composition of the contracting table“as stated in the diligence published in the contracting file.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.

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