Balearic consumers continue to pay the most for fuel in Spain, a situation that has occurred in recent years, but now is much more noticeable with the progressive rise in gasoline prices.
The latest report on fuel distribution, which carries out an in-depth study of the fuel market, shows that fuel, both petrol and diesel, has been rising in price for seven months, and the highest of all is at the pumps on the Balearic Islands. The price paid by drivers on the islands is at least two cents higher than the most expensive petrol station on the mainland, where prices vary according to location. And this increase has no relation to the insularity, given that in the Canary Islands fuel is almost 30 cents cheaper than on the islands.
The price of petrol has been rising for the last seven months. The percentage increase in the Balearic Islands is almost identical to the rest of Spain, where there is freedom of pricing. In fact, the community where the value of petrol has risen the most is the Basque Country and, even so, in this autonomous community it costs drivers less to fill up their vehicles than if they were to do so at service stations on the Balearic Islands.
Fuel is now in its seventh month of price rises due to the increase in the value of the dollar
All distributors buy fuel at the same price. The increase in recent months is not so much due to the increase in the price of the barrel, but to the fact that the dollar has strengthened its value against the euro and has increased in price.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.