The construction of the Ca na Negreta and Jesús by-passes, completed in November last year, has resulted in the reducción of traffic in both urban centers. During the month of August, an average of 46,310 vehicles have travelled daily on both roads, as the Councillor for Road Network, Mariano Juan, explained yesterday in a press conference held at the new detour to Jesús.
According to a study of volume carried out this month by the Road Network Service of the Consell, a total of 38,240 vehicles have bypassed the town of Ca na Negreta (6,649 trucks and 31,591 tourists) and 8,070 bypassed the center of Jesus (655 trucks and 7,416 cars).
The volume of heavy traffic in the area, a constant complaint among residents, has been reduced almost entirely, with 98% less in Ca na Negreta and an 85% reduction in Jesús.
On the other hand, Juan emphasized the flyover built at the exit of the public school in Jesús, as well as the parking lot also built at the entrance of the school, two elements that ensure the “safety of users of the center”. Finally, the councillor highlighted the “last big change”, the underpass that joins Jesús with Puig den Valls, “which allows the two towns to be joined and which, in a matter of weeks, will be joined with Vila via the s’Olivera footbridge”.
Carmen Ferrer, Mayor of Santa Eulària, also present at the meeting, expressed her gratitude for the “boost that the completion of the works on the Santa Eulària road represents for the municipality” and announced that work is underway on the drafting of the Ca na Negreta development project together with the Consell and the residents of the area. “The high volume of traffic that the Ca na Negreta section has had to endure for so many years has caused damage to the town centre. Therefore, this calming of traffic will allow us to transform the town centres and give them back their humanity,” added Ferrer.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.