An Australian diver was recently able to see how intelligent these animals are how intelligent octopuses are. While she was scuba diving off the coast, one of these animals approached her, literally grabbed her hand by one of its tentacles and made her follow it to where it she kept a particular “treasure”.
Young freediver Jules Casey has explained on her social media profile (OneBreathDiver) what happened to her and confesses to being “blown away”.
Casey couldn’t believe the “little adventure” she undertook when she the octopus grabbed his hand in an insistent manner (not just once) to get her attention and get the swimmer to follow him to a point where the animal seemed to be particularly interested. In this link you can see the whole sequence.
The diver and photographer filmed the entire route, an itinerary she “normally would not have taken”. “I had no idea where that octopus was taking me.”, he says on Instagram. “I actually felt like ‘well, let’s go on a little adventure,'” he says.
“That day, the octopus reached out its arm and took my hand, heading in a direction I wouldn’t normally go in. When he walked away, he stopped and turned around just to make sure I was still following him,” she adds.
Jules Casey’s surprise was great when she saw that the octopus was leading her to a place where a number of surprising objects were located. Among them, a small stone slab on which was a picture of a man holding a little white dog.
Little gravestone that showed him the octopus / Jules Casey
First, he didn’t see the photo because he approached from the back of the headstone. “We got to the back of the stone slab and I thought that was it. But then the octopus moved on one side and I moved on the other. It was almost as if it said, ‘Look, it’s here‘. That’s when I saw the picture of the man holding the little dog,” she continues.
In the vicinity were other human-made items, such as a ceramic figurine, which apparently constituted the particular “treasure” of the octopus, who wanted to share it with this diver.
Octopus holding diver’s hand with a tentacle / Jules Casey
Casey explains that “it was a very emotional moment, but the best part is that this clever creature had led me there.” Among the questions that assailed him in the aftermath of this event was that of “was it because it thought it was a human like me?“.
Scientists are constantly finding evidence of the octopus’s exceptional capabilitiesthey possess great intelligence and are capable of overcoming tests that other animals cannot solve. These abilities have been immortalized in the Oscar-winning film ‘What the octopus taught me‘, from Netflix.
Full video at this link
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.