The National Police in Ibiza have apprehended a 29-year-old man of German origin for assaulting his partner at their shared residence in Ibiza.

The incident came to the attention of police officers early Wednesday morning after the couple’s neighbors reported a heated argument in the home, and expressed concerns that the man might be armed with a knife. Upon arrival at the residence in Vila, the officers rang the doorbell, and the assailant opened the door while grabbing his partner’s hair with one hand.

The officers swiftly intervened, ordering the man to release her, and subsequently took him into custody. A large knife was found in the kitchen during the search of the premises. Given the distressed state of the woman and two minors present in the home, an ambulance was summoned to provide medical assistance. The suspect has been presented before the court.

Call for help

The 016 hotline provides free and confidential assistance to victims of all types of violence against women. This vital service is available in 53 languages, and no records of calls appear on phone bills, ensuring maximum discretion. Additional information and support can be obtained via email at or by contacting the Whatsapp number 600 000 016. Minors can also call the ANAR hotline at 900202010.

The 016 hotline offers special accessibility features for individuals who are deaf, hearing impaired, blind, or deafblind. Victims with such disabilities can seek assistance by calling 016 with 900 116 016sVisual, ALBA, Telesor, ATENPRO, or the PorMí app.

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.