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Ibiza Town
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Ibiza airport schedules 1,576 flights the first weekend of July

The number of operations increased by 1.8% compared to the same days last year.

Ibiza airport will register a total of 1,576 flights between Friday 30th June and tomorrow, Monday 3rd July. Of these, 545 are domestic flights and 1,031 are international.

These data represent a 1.8% increase in operations at the airport compared to the first weekend of July last year, which corresponded to the 1st and 4th of the month. There were 1,548 scheduled flights on those days, 28 fewer than this year.

This number of commercial flights accounts for in a weekend 60% of the operations in a month of January or Februarywhen about 2,500 flights are recorded.

The busiest day was yesterday, when 425 takeoffs or landings were carried out from Ibiza airport. Today there will be a total of 413.

At the level of Balearsthe forecast is to operate this weekend, between Friday and Monday, a total of 6.027 flights94 more than the 5,933 operated in the first weekend of July last year.

Specifically, this Saturday 1,040 are expected in Palma, the 425 already mentioned in Ibiza and 195 in Menorca, on the day of the weekend with the most traffic scheduled.

On Sunday there are 1,531 flights scheduled (938 in Palma, 413 in Ibiza and 180 in Menorca), and on Monday 1,356 (857 in Palma, 347 in Ibiza and 152 in Menorca).

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.

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