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Ibiza Town
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

This is the cheapest municipality to buy a house in the Balearic Islands

Sant Joan (Mallorca) is the cheapest municipality to buy a house in the Balearic Islands, with an average price of 1,237 euros per square metre, making the archipelago, in turn, the most expensive community for the purchase of a home.

This follows from the data provided Tuesday by idealista, which reveal that the municipality cheapest in Spain is in the province of Córdoba. Specifically, Fuente Obejuna has the most economical square meter, with an average of 344 euros per square meter.

The podium of the three most economical municipalities is completed by two other municipalities in Cordoba, such as Bélmez (340 euros per square meter) and Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo (416 euros).

This is followed by the murcian municipality of Bullas (419 euros), in addition to Campo de Criptana (432 euros) and Villanueva de los Infantes (452 euros), in Ciudad Real.

Also above the 450 euros are Corral de Almaguer, in Toledo (454 euros per square meter); Socuéllamos, in Ciudad Real (458 euros), or Bembibre (459 euros) and Villablino (462 euros), in León.

Behind are the towns of Horcajo de Santiago, in Cuenca (465 euros per square meter); Macael, in Almería (469 euros); Miguel Esteban, in Toledo (472 euros); Navarrés, in Valencia (475 euros); Santo Domingo-Caudilla (477 euros) and Mora, in Toledo (483 euros).

The ranking continues with Tijola, in Almería (484 euros per square meter); Fuente Vaqueros, in Granada (484 euros); Sonseca, in Toledo (486 euros), and Vélez Blanco, in Almería (489 euros).

Above 500 euros are the municipalities of Illora, in Granada (502 euros); Castuera, in Badajoz (504 euros); Torralva de Calatrava, in Ciudad Real (504 euros); Navahermosa, in Toledo (507 euros), and Enguera, in Valencia (507 euros per square meter).

The cheapest municipalities

The study carried out by idealista is completed with the most affordable localities in each one of the 17 Spanish autonomous communities.

In addition to the communities with municipalities in the top 25 positions, three more autonomous regions have markets below 600 euros.

Thus, in Galicia the cheapest town is Nogueira de Ramuín (543 euros per square meter). At Catalonia is Santa Bárbara in Tarragona (546 euros per square meter) and in Asturias, San Martín del Rey Aurelio (556 euros).

Next is the cheapest town in Aragon, Caspe (Zaragoza), where owners ask an average of 642 euros per square meter. It is followed by La Riojawith the municipality of Alfaro (697 euros); Cantabria, with Campoo de Enmedio (707 euros); Castejón, in Navarra (793 euros); Tanque, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (896 euros), and Cadalso de los Vidrios, in Madrid (902 euros).

The most expensive is the Balearic Islandswhere its cheapest municipality (Sant Joan) has an average price of 1,237 euros per square meter; followed by Oión, in Álavaas the cheapest in Euskadiwith 1,131 euros per square meter.

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.

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