The Anti-Corruption Bureau decided last August to archive the investigation for alleged irregularities in the vaccination of more than 60 senior officials who skipped the order established by the Ministry of Health, including a dozen leaders of the IB-Salut and the Consell. However, in the investigation file that has been sent to the Conselleria de Salud del Govern, it stipulated the implementation of a protocol to avoid a recurrence of the December 2020 controversy.

It was Christmas two years ago when a group of senior officials were vaccinated at the Oms/Sant Miquel nursing home on the first day of the arrival of the covid vaccines. At that time, as established by the order of the Ministry of Health in the middle of the pandemic, only users and staff of nursing homes could be vaccinated.

The director of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, Tòfol Milán, revealed on the IB3-Ràdio program Entre avui i demà the archiving of the case against the vaccinated high officials. He also explained that the Ministry of Health was given three months to implement the recommendations to be followed after the dismissal of the proceedings.

The Anti-Corruption Bureau, by law, cannot make its reports public and therefore we will not know the full content of the letter sent to the Ministry of Health with the recommendations. We will have a summary of it when the report is presented in March.

However, as this newspaper has been able to learn, one of the most important recommendations that Anti-Corruption Bureau is stipulating to the Ministry of Health is to develop a protocol so that the same thing does not happen again.

Anti-Corruption Bureau case file

The Anti-Corruption Bureau archived the vaccination case in mid-February 2022 due to formal defects and anomalies in the notification to the investigated parties. However, in April of the same year the agency decided to reopen the cases of the director of Gent Gran of the Consell and now president of IMAS, Sofia Alonso; the Manager of Primary Care, Miquel Caldentey, and the councilor of Pollença, Francisca Cerdà. In these three cases it is argued that “the investigated actions have not expired” and that in this situation the law requires “the initiation of a new investigation file”.

All this occurred after the departure of the previous director of the Anti-corruption Bureau, Jaume Far, who had had more than one run-in with the Govern for his investigations, such as the one on vaccines or his report on express purchases during the pandemic.

At the end of August, the investigations by the Anti-corruption Bureau were definitively archived, alleging that they had not detected irregularities. However, months later, it did send a letter of recommendations to the Regional Ministry of Health to prevent situations such as that of the vaccination of senior officials, claiming that the vaccines were going to be discarded, from happening again and to take alternative measures and make a prevention plan.