14.3 C
Ibiza Town
Thursday, May 2, 2024

The ‘cuinat’ takes over Ibizan kitchens again

Must Try

We teach you how to prepare the traditional Ibizan ‘cuinat’ with local products. Without a doubt, one of the star dishes on the island.

Ingredients: 2 kg of collejas, 1/2 kg of almortas, 1 kg of peeled beans, 3 heads of garlic, 3 bunches of garlic shoots, 2 large bunches of peppermint leaves, 3 spicy red peppers, Ibiza olive oil, salt and a teaspoon of sweet paprika. If you want you can also add a bunch of very finely chopped chard..

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Preparation: First leave the peas to soak overnight. Next morning, bring them to a boil until they are half cooked and save them to add later. Next, heat the collejas in water until they begin to boil. When they reach boiling point, lower the heat, drain, place them back in the pot and add the rest of the previously chopped ingredients on top.

Add all the ingredients of the cuinat to a cold pot with 6 tablespoons of olive oil, salt to taste and a tablespoon of sweet paprika. Next cover the pot with water and put it on the heat until everything is well cooked. Remember to stir from time to time.

One everything is cooked and drained, add a touch of lemon to taste, another drizzle of olive oil and sweet paprika, also to taste. And now it’s ready for you to sink your teeth into. A family recipe, some people also add white potatoes or, as previously mentioned, chard.

One anecdote of this legendary recipe of Ibizan cuisine is that, in addition to being a delicious and healthy dish full of antioxidants, the vegetable harvest was traditionally done by families on the fields of the island .

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