Unemployment data from Ibiza and Formentera from December 2022 maintain the downward trend in the Pitiusas, which stands at 3,401 unemployed on Ibiza and 135 on Formentera, which compared to a year ago represents a decrease of 51.2% and 55.7%, respectively.
The general director of Economic Model and Employment, Llorenç Pou after presenting the data together with the councilor of the area, Iago Negueruela, summarized the situation in the Pitiusas: “The labor market data and of affiliation and unemployment on Ibiza and Formentera confirm, for another month that December has had very positive increase in employement creation”. The general director said: “The Pitiusas lead the creation of employment, in the Balearic Islands as a whole, in a context in which the islands lead in Spain as a whole, therefore it is a very significant level of job creation compared to the data from a year ago”.
Regarding the registered unemployment he summarized: “The Pitiusas right now have the lowest unemployment figures in absolute terms on record”. In the case of the administrative unemployment rate registered on the islands, he confirmed that “2022 has seen 5.8% on Ibiza and 3.5% on Formentera, the lowest in the Balearic Islands and Spain”
Compared to the same month of 2021, unemployment has fallen significantly in the Pitiusas. Formentera registers 55.7% less and Ibiza 51.2% less unemployed. That is, the islands currently have less than half the number of unemployed than a year ago, with a total of 3,536 unemployed.
From a month-on-month perspective, there has been a more significant decreast on Formentera, with 10% (15 less unemployed), compared to last month, while on Ibiza the decrease was 2% (68 less)
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.