The Col-legi Oficial de Metges de les Illes Balears (Comib) has notified Dr Ángel Ruiz-Valdepeñas of the resolution of the disciplinary proceedings brought against him for serious violation of multiple articles of the Code of Ethics and Medical Practice.
The Governing Board of Comib, meeting in plenary session on 27 January 2021, unanimously agreed to sanction Comib member Dr Ángel Ruiz-Valdepeñas Herrero, suspending him from professional practice for 72 months (6 years) and a issuing a fine of 240 collegiate fees (at a rate of 69.72 € each) in accordance with articles 80. 2 a) and 80.2 c), in relation to 81.3 of the collegiate Statutes (ECOMIB), for having breached articles 25.1, 25.2, 25.3, 25.4, 26.2, 38.1, 44.4, 44.7, 45.1, 64.1, 65.5 and 65.6 of the Code of Medical Ethics.
This is an infringement of articles relating to the quality of medical care, medical advertising or work in health institutions, as the doctor in question had engaged in practices contrary to scientific evidence, as well as inadequate professional practice.
The Col-legi de Metges considers that the facts that have led to the sanction are extremely serious and extremely irresponsible, as they give rise to a state of confusion, fear and social alarm, which represents a significant risk to public health.
Disciplinary proceedings against Ángel Ruiz-Valdepeñas were initiated in accordance with Article 86.1 of the collegiate Statutes, by agreement of the Governing Board in ordinary session on 30 September 2020, as a result of statements made on social networks and other media denying the SARS-CoV2 pandemic and calling for the non-use of masks and disobediance of the social distancing measures established by the authorities.
The report made by the Ethics and Medical Practice Commission, in the period prior to the investigation of the case, concluded that the accused could have violated the foreword of the Code of Ethics and Medical Practice in force, where the essential principles of the medical profession are included, as well as the following articles: 25.1, 25.2, 25.3, 26.2, 38.1, 44.4, 44.7, 45.1, 64.1, 65.5 and 65.6. The Governing Board of Comib understands that member Ruíz-Valdepeñas has committed 12 serious offences, which must be framed within the provisions of article 80.2 c), 80.2 a) and/or 80.3 f) of the ECOMIB.
The suspension will be subject to the provisions of article 81.6, which means that the member will be disqualified from joining any other Medical Association while the sanction is in force.
In any case, given the consequences of the reasons for which Mr. Ángel Ruiz-Valdepeñas is sanctioned, the resolution of the Comib will be communicated to the corresponding health and governmental authorities and will be made known widely given the impact on public welfare.
An appeal against this resolution, notified last week, may be lodged with the General Council of Official Medical Associations of Spain (CGCOM), within one month of its notification.