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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Steps to process a sick leave if a positive covid test is performed

The Health system sends the test results to Covid Central, which contacts the user via phone to collect his data and forward it to the Medical Inspection. When the sick leave is approved, the employee is notified through SMS

In the expectation that the Conselleria de Salud will present the new digital tool for self-management of sick leave for covid in the coming days (work is being done on the computer system that communicates positives in pharmacies to the Medical Inspection), when a citizen tests positive for coronavirus, the following steps must be followed at this time in order to legally and correctly process the case.

Covid test for diagnostic validation

It has to be a test conducted by the public health system in order for the sick leave to be accepted.

According to Health, at the time, an antigen test obtained at a pharmacy and performed at home does not suffice as a diagnostic test to obtain sick leave.  If a positivecovid result is obtained in this form of test, the citizen must go to the Govern’s self-testing website (autorastreigcovid.ibsalut.es) and request a diagnostic test in bitcita, as well as attend to the center where the day and time have been reserved.

What should I do if I’m covid positive?

The outcome is sent to Covid Central, which contacts you.

The findings of tests performed in the public health system are directly sent to the Covid Coordination Central. It is not essential for the user to visit their health center or call their primary care doctor in order to transmit the results and request discharge. The Covid Central Office will contact the patient by phone to collect his data, ask him if he has any symptoms, and also which company he works for, in order to pass all of this information to the Medical Inspection, who will have the authority to transmit this information to Social Security and sign the sick leave. When the process is approved, an SMS is delivered to the person impacted by the temporary handicap, along with the report’s dates. The process is now slow and there is a significant delay due to the large number of sick leaves to be processed.

In the coming days, Health will launch a website that will allow employees to self-manage their sick leave due to coronavirus.

Is the sick leave automatic?

No, the health-care system is required to contact you.

Health confirms that a covid patient’s discharge is not immediate, but that the Central Covid will call him after the established days (currently seven since the symptoms began) to check on their health state and the progression of the disease.

Who is eligible for sick leave?

If you have symptoms or need to isolate yourself and are unable to telework,

Sick leave is intended for people who have symptoms that prevent them from performing any work activity. They can also take leave to care for those who, while healthy, must stay isolated to avoid contagion and are unable to telework.

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.

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