Students from Ibiza and Formentera are those on Balearic Islands least likely to pass secondary school, according to the data contained in the ‘Anuari de l’Educació 2022’, a publication resulting from an agreement between the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) and the Fundació Guillem Cifré de Colonya and initiative of the Grup d’Investigació i Formació Educativa i Social (Gifes) of the public university of the islands. The article ‘El sistema educatiu a les Illes Balears’ (The Balearic Islands education system), signed by Rut Garí Ruiz, Marga Vives Barceló, Belén Pascual Barrio and Joan Amer Fernández, details that 85.5% of the students in the Pitiusas Islands pass the fourth year of Secondary School (the last year of this compulsory stage).

This is the lowest percentage of students who advance to Bachillerato on the islands, where the average is more than two points higher: 87.8%. The figure coincides with that of Mallorca and is below that of Menorca, the island with the highest number of students who pass secondary school, which allows them to continue their studies in Bachillerato, 91.6%. The Balearic data cannot be compared with the national data, since the latter are not updated. While those of the islands correspond to the academic year 2020-2021, the state data are from the previous academic year 2019-2020.

Ibiza and Formentera are, in addition and consequently, the islands with the highest number of repeaters in the final year of secondary school: 8.4%. The average for the Comunitat is 6.6%. In Mallorca, 6.5% of the students enrolled repeat fourth grade and in Menorca, less than 5% (4.8%).

The situation in the Pitiusas is interesting. During the first three years of high school, they are not the islands with the least number of students who pass to the next year. That title is held by Mallorca. In addition, the Pitiusas data is above the average of the Comunitat. The differences are more pronounced in the first and second year. The rate of students who move up to the next year on Ibiza and Formentera is 94.2% and 87.7%, percentages that in Mallorca are 93.3% and 86.7% and in Menorca, the island with the best results in all secondary courses, 96.5% and 93.7%. In third year, the data of the Pitiusas and Mallorca are equal (86.4% and 86.3% for students who pass the course) and in fourth year the proportion of those who pass Secondary is two points in favor of Mallorca.

Female and males secondary students

Although there are no data broken down by islands, the article of the Anuari highlights once again that girls are better students: 90% of them pass Secondary and 85.8% of boys pass secondary school, a distance that increases steadily, year after year. And while in the first year the difference in the number of students who pass is only two points in favor of girls, at the end of Secondary School it is five and a half points.