Rural dwellings built after 1956 can not be licensed as a tourist establishment on Ibiza. Those prior to that year may only offer agro-stays, i.e. accommodation for tourists in three rooms of the house, for 60 days a year, in a house where a professional farmer lives.
This is one of the measures that form the specific modification number 2 of the Insular Territorial Plan (PTI), which was approved yesterday by the Consell Executiu of the Consell de Ibiza.
12,000 rural dwellings excluded from the market
The measure excludes 12,000 of the 13,000 rural dwellings that exist on Ibiza from the tourism market. A modification with which the Consell wants to “put the brakes on the tourist industry on rural land”, said the president of the Consell, Vicent Marí, at a press conference which will put a limit on obtaining new licenses and limit tourist activity to urban land from now on.
“This measure is going to have a direct effect on the construction pressure in the countryside and also the pressure on the purchase and sale of existing constructions,” announced the councilor of Territorial Management, Mariano Juan.
After a meeting with all the entities that have contributed ideas to the drafting of this specific modification, the conseller and the president presented the text to the media.
The Consell foresees that the modification will be in force by the end of the year, “if everything goes well”.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.