16.9 C
Ibiza Town
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

People from Ibiza and Formentera who have received a single dose after recovering from COVID-19 can request the second vaccine today

This will enable them to move freely inside the EU without being quarantined

As of today, residents of Ibiza and Formentera who received a single dose of the coronavirus vaccination following infection can request a second dosage if they must travel outside the European Union. This was stated yesterday by Eugènia Carandell, director of healthcare at Ib-Salut, following this newspaper’s report two weeks ago on the difficulties for individuals in this circumstance to travel to numerous countries without being subjected to at least 10 days of quarantine.

Carandell explained that while it is considered a comprehensive immunization schedule in the European Union, many countries do not. In other words, the covidic passport does not operate in his case. “Among these countries are the United Kingdom and the United States, both of which have a significant impact on us,” the welfare director explained. On the islands as a whole, approximately 90,000 people are in this scenario. Many of them are residents of Ibiza and Formentera, which were particularly heavily struck by the third wave at the start of the year, with many people under the age of 65 receiving only one shot during vaccination.

As of today, Carandell said, “a specific form” will be accessible on the Servei Balear de Salut website for people impacted to complete if they anticipate traveling to one of the countries that do not recognize this vaccine schedule as a complete immunization. Along with the form, they’ll see a list of countries that require a minimum of two doses of the vaccination. After they complete the form, which requires them to state the date of their intended journey, “they will be contacted.”

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.

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