The children’s show “The Magic of Recycling,” held at the Espacio Cultural de Can Ventosa, was a blend of entertainment and education, aligning with World Recycling Day. The event featured performances by Ibizan magicians Dantรฉs and Dantรฉs Junior and was attended by 450 fifth and sixth graders. The show, lasting about an hour, was part of an initiative by IbizaPreservation and the Magic Association of Ibiza and Formentera, supported by Depeche Mode. It focused on engaging the students interactively, with Inma Saranova leading discussions on recycling practices and the importance of environmental care. Highlights included magic tricks integrated with lessons on the seven “R’s” of recyclingโCollect, Repair, Reject, Rethink, Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle. A significant educational moment was the ‘plastic kilometers for Iris‘ initiative, demonstrating the community’s commitment to collecting plastic waste. The event also recognized winners of an upcycling contest from the Bachillerato Artรญstico de la Escola d’Arts, with Jasmine Shafran and Mara Escandell discussing their environmentally inspired projects, adding a personal touch to the educational message.
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