The department of Fiestas de Sant Antoni has given a lot of work to the municipal auditor during the last year. From December 2021 to December 2022, the auditor of the Consistory’s accounts prepared at least six reports on the omission by the financial controller of 90 invoices from the council (of which Miguel Tur is the head) with a total value of 728,326 euros. Only in the last two weeks of 2022, did the financial controller correct his reports for payments amounting to 226,469 euros, according to the documentation to which this newspaper has had access.
The comptroller issued those six reports due to the omission of the audit of expenses that appear in those 90 invoices, in other words, the department of Fiestas did not follow the procedure according to legislation, either by splitting of the same services, awarding work to a particular company without requesting quotes from others (as the government team acknowledges it has done) or by not tendering services with a cost that exceeds that of minor contracts (15,000 euros plus VAT), among other causes. Having viewed the six reports on the omissions by the financial controller, the “recognition and settlement” of these obligations to suppliers through decrees signed by the mayor, Marcos Serra began. That is, they were paid even though the auditor had objected. The government team has refused to give details to this newspaper in this regard and assures that in the extraordinary plenary session, requested by PSOE-Reinicia to exclusively examine this matter, “the issue will be discussed and explanations will be provided”.
Audit reveals 51.7% went to Sonitec
Of that total of 728,326 euros, more than half (51.7%) was paid in the last year to Vicente Escandell or to the company of which he is sole administrator, Sonitec Ibiza Eventos S.L.: 376,588 euros. Of this amount, 307,652 euros were invoiced in the name of Escandell and the rest, 68,936 euros, to Sonitec. Of the 90 invoices that appear in these six Intervention reports, just half (45), were signed by this businessman: 34 in his own name; 11 in the name of his limited company. Several professionals of the sector have complained (even to the mayor himself and to the councillor of Fiestas) that this company monopolizes practically all the works entrusted during the current mandate by Miguel Tur: “They do not ask us for quotes to provide services. They give it all to the same place,” commented one of them to this newspaper.
307.652 € were billed in Escandell’s name and the rest, 68,936 €, to Sonitec. Of the 90 invoices, just half (45), were signed by this businessman: 34 in his own name; 11 in the name of his limited company
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.