The public prosecutor of Balears endorses the latest measures agreed by the Govern to control the contagions of the virus, which is to require the covid passport in bars, restaurants and nightlife venues with interior capacity of more than 50 people. The Public Prosecutor’s Office thus responds to the consultation made by the TSJB, which must validate, or prohibit, this preventive measure set by the executive. The court presided over by the judge Gabriel Fiol received the request of the Advocacy on Monday and before manifesting itself, the public prosecutor’s office has been asked to pronounce itself on this measure. The prosecutor considers that the obligation to show this covid passport, which certifies that the holder of the document has been vaccinated against the virus, is not a violation of a fundamental right.
This preventive measure was agreed last Monday by the Govern. The intention is to apply it from tomorrow Friday, but first must have the endorsement of the courts. The Executive Armengol has the support of the entrepreneurs of the restoration, which largely will be responsible for requesting this certificate to their customers to authorize entry into public places.
Urgency to aprove the covid passport
Given the urgency to know as soon as possible the judicial pronouncement, it is most likely that today is when the High Court of Justice of the Balearic Islands will rule on this authorization. In addition, everything points to that, especially after the position of the prosecution, the magistrates are in favor of applying this measure of health control that aims to impose the Government. In addition, last Tuesday the Supreme Court has already ruled in favor of being able to require the aforementioned passport in restaurants in the Basque Country, so everything seems to indicate that the judges of the Balearic Islands will follow the same line and support the measure of the Government.