The executive committee of PP Ibiza, which also includes deputies, councilors and members of this party in the various regional and island institutions (approximately 80 people), yesterday approved Vicent Marí’s candidacy, who is the current president of the Consell Insular of Eivissa for the party, for reelection in the next local and regional elections, scheduled for May. The proposal, which has been unanimously approved by the members of the Board of Directors of the party, is pending ratification by the Insular and regional Electoral Committees in the next few days.
The president of the party on Ibiza, Vicente Marí Bosó, announced during the event that “four more years of effective policies and common sense with Vicent Marí in the Consell are necessary to continue improving”. In addition, he recalled that “before, the Consell was a problem and today it participates in the solutions” and that the PP should not take steps backwards. “We must not return to standstill. Vicent Marí is the political capital of the PP of Ibiza and today he is also the president that the vast majority of Ibizans want,” he said.
Marí Bosó detailed before the approval of Marí’s candidacy that the objective of this election process was maximum participation by party members, i.e., “some seventy or eighty people.”
Continuing the initial political path
President Vicent Marí thanked the party for their confidence in the work of his team adding that “in these four years of management of the Popular Party in the Consell we have demonstrated that it is possible to manage in favor of the citizenship and provide peace of mind with a stable, committed and serious government”. In this sense, the president has valued “the policies and actions of the PP that solve the problems of the people of Ibiza”.
Vicent Marí “great progress has been made”
In addition, the president and candidate has recalled “the need to follow the path which has been started in this legislature” in which, he believes, great progress has been made as the renewal of the road network, the opening of the Low Demand Center in sa Joveria, the resolution of the ITV queues as well as the boost to local production.
To conclude the act, the president has confirmed that “all PP candidates on Ibiza have the benefit of knowledge about necessity, seriousness, hard work and patience that characterize the party’s policies and that will serve to work in coordination in the five city councils, in the Consell Insular and in the Balearic Govern, where it is necessary for the government to look Ibiza in the eye”.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.