After the commotion caused by the images published in the magazine Lecturas of Isabel Díaz Ayuso with her new boyfriend in Ibiza, the president of the community of Madrid has decided to speak out for the first time on the matter during the delivery of the Bombines de San Isidro. “I am not very happy with what has been published. He is not a public person and I want to keep part of my life private,” said the president of the community of Madrid, according to the digital Vanitatis.
This same publication echoes the information given by Federico Jiménez Losantos in his program EsRadio, where he assured that the new interest of the president of Madrid is called Alberto González and is a health technician, divorced with three children.
“I went to Ibiza and I had to register to rent a car and everything. The man freaked out … I’m fine, I just wanted to get there and put on my flip flops. I miss my normal life before,” Diaz Ayuso said on her return from the island, where her presence did not go unnoticed.
Not only did the media cover the president’s trip, social networks have also been filled with comments about it, especially Twitter. There are several criticisms, most of them for not wearing the mandatory mask as seen in the images posted. Some users have also used humour and have warned Díaz Ayuso that in Ibiza she could run into her ex-partner, recalling the famous declarations of the president during the election campaign in Madrid in which she gave as an example of “freedom” – the fact that in the capital anyone can break up with their partner and never run into them in the street again.
After ending her relationship last November with the stylist and hairdresser Jairo Alonso, with whom she shared the last four years, little was known about the personal life of the president of Madrid. The last statements from Diaz Ayuso in this regard were in the election campaign, when along with the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, said they were golden bachelors . In addition, in the journalist María Teresa Campos’ program she said that, regarding her personal life, she was “waiting”, and added that interesting men were scarce.