Man arrested for theft in three Ibiza industrial buildings

The thief forced the front door and stole money from cash registers and vending machines

Agents of the National Police in Ibiza have arrested a man, of Spanish origin and 49 years old, as the alleged perpetrator of three crimes of robbery with force in several industrial warehouses located in industrial estates near the city of Ibiza.

As reported by the Police, the events occurred between late January and mid-February, when the owners of several industrial premises filed complaints at the police station for the thefts suffered in their businesses.

In all cases the same ‘modus operandi’ was present which consisted of forcing the main entrance door to gain access to the establishments and steal money from cash registers and vending machines.

As a result of these facts, and due to the temporal proximity between them, the investigations were intensified which led to the arrest, hours later, of a habitual offender in the city of Ibiza, who turned out to be the alleged perpetrator of the three robberies with force.

The man was placed at the disposal of the Court of Instruction on duty once the relevant procedures were completed at police stations.

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.

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