The Association of Self-Employed Taxi Drivers of the city of Ibiza, the majority of the sector in Vila, has prepared a whole month of protests that will begin today, with a caravan of vehicles that will travel through the city center, before the 24-hour strike scheduled for tomorrow with a concentration in the Cetis. But it does not stop there, on Wednesday they have planned another caravan, on Thursday a march on foot from Vara de Rey to the headquarters of the City Council in Can Botino and on Friday another caravan to close the week.
All these actions are in protest against the decree approved by the City Council of Ibiza that requires taxi drivers to stop their vehicles one day a week during the months of May to October, according to the Consistory, in order to ensure the rest and safety of the professionals.
The president of the association, Alejandro Cardell, wanted to clarify yesterday that it is not that they are against the days off: “Of course both owners and employees are organized as in all companies to rest. The problem is not that, the problem is that the City Council now forces us to close our business, which is the taxi, one day a week. That is to say, they force us to stop 24 of the 180 best days of the year, something that is neither understandable nor fair”.
“The City Council – Cardell continues – wants a certification that at least one day a week we rest, supposedly to protect the employees who, by the way, have not complained. But it’s not up to the city council, it’s up to the Ministry of Labour. They have created a problem where there was none”, says the president of the association regarding the decree of the Mobility Council, directed by Aitor Morrás.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.