23.3 C
Ibiza Town
Monday, September 9, 2024

Tropical nights arrive to Ibiza and Formentera

Early this morning, the minimum temperature in some municipalities on the island reached 24.9 degrees Celsius.

Ibiza and Formentera experienced their first tropical night since the start of the summer season. In the case of Ibiza, the minimum temperature in three of the municipalities exceeded 24 degrees Celsius, which is what determines a night to be considered tropical and/or torrid.

The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has shared these data on its Twitter account in which, in addition, it has also reported that this is not the last night that the islanders will spend an almost infernal heat.

good morning!
After this early morning #tropical and/or #torrid in #MENORCA, #MALLORCA, #IBIZA and #FORMENTERA.
and we will continue like this the next nights!!! 😱😡😱 pic.twitter.com/ju1ADKOO2c

– AEMET_Balearic Islands (@AEMET_Balearic Islands) July 8, 2023

Sant Antoni is the Ibizan municipality that has reached the highest temperatures, touching 25 degrees (24.9 degrees, specifically) at 5 o’clock. It is followed by Vila, with 24.8 degrees and the area of the Ibiza Airport, where it has been registered this morning at 6.30 a.m. the 24.2 degrees.

Regarding Formenterathe minimums have been 24 degrees exactly at 6 o’clock, according to Aemet data.

The rest of the Balearic Islands live during these days a similar situation, although in general, the Pitiusas are the islands of the archipelago that present the highest night temperatures.

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.

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