24.3 C
Ibiza Town
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ibiza airport starts 2024 as it ended 2023, with rising passenger numbers

January closes with 204,092 passengers, 2.4% more than in the same month of 2023

Ibiza airport closed the first month of the year with 204,092 passengers, 2.4% more than in January 2023. According to data provided by AENA (Spanish Airports and Air Navigation), the bulk of passengers flew on commercial connections, totalling 203,969 (+2.3%). Of these, a total of 187,593 (+2.3%) travelled to or from a Spanish city, while 16,376 (+2.7%) opted for international destinations.

Regarding international passenger traffic to or from Ibiza, Holland (6.934), United Kingdom (3.850) y France (2,014) were the markets that contributed the most to the Ibizan terminal of es Codolar.

The number of operations, always counting takeoffs and landings, fell by 3.9% compared to the same month last year, with 2,587 flights.

Ibiza’s terminal closed last year with a increase of 9.5% over 2022the best tourist year on record in the Pitiusas. This implies that the terminal managed from January to December last year a total of 8.931,598 passengers and 82,803 flights.

In both cases, arrivals and departures are counted. These two figures are the highest in terms of Pitiusan air traffic since Aeropuertos Nacionales y Navegación Aérea (AENA) has records.

Pasajeros esperan en el interior de la terminal, el pasado diciembre.

Passengers wait inside the terminal, last December. Vicent Marí

In 2023 as a whole, the domestic traffic totaled 3,777,283 passengers last year, up 10.5%. International recorded 5,137,122 passengers, representing an 8.9% increase over 2022. By international markets, the english-speaking posted 1.848.499 passengers; the italian, 905.224; the german, 638.479 and the one from Netherlands (Dutch), 611.408.

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.

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