Elena López, Ibiza Town Councillor for Sports, stated this Monday on Radio Ibiza-SER that there must be the will for UD Ibiza to play in the Second Division on the island next season, after they won promotion yesterday by eliminating UCAM Murcia (1-0). Therefore, “we have to hand over” the Can Misses stadium, said López.
“The work has been going on for more than a year. There is no doubt that we all, government, the rest of the clubs and Ibizan society have to pull together so that something as long awaited as promotion to a professional league can go ahead. I believe that the only option is for all us to play our part. The situation is at an advanced stage, but we still have to finalise it over the next few days. We did not want to conclude anything without this promotion being a done deal,” said the Councillor for Sports. “If there is no hand over, they won’t be able to play in the Second Division, and I don’t think anyone on this island wants that. That’s why I said that we all have to play our part,” said López.
Amadeo Salvo, president of UD Ibiza, said that “this was the year” to achieve promotion to the Second Division of Spanish football, given the restructuring that has taken place in Spanish football from the third tier. His team, however, will play next season in the SmartBank League after winning promotion on Sunday by eliminating UCAM Murcia (1-0) in the decisive match played in Badajoz.
The Valencian businessman said that this represents “a radical” and “absolute” change for the club . The main stumbling block is the Can Misses municipal ground, where renovations will have to be carried out before August 14, when the League begins. “There is time, but we have to start work quickly,” said Salvo. The club needs to be granted use of the facility, because the Professional Football League (LFP) requires that the stadium in which matches are played is owned by the club or has been granted the use of it. Salvo said that this “has been discussed” with Vila Town Council. “I don’t think there will be any problems,” said the businessman. A favourable audit of the facility, closed on 31 July, is also required as well as having a minimum share capital of almost five million euroes paid into the club. If not, it can’t be registered in the LFP.
Salvo also estimated that the promotion of UD Ibiza could bring the island an economic return of more than 30 million euros. He based this on a study carried out in Cartagena for the same reason, which put the figure at between 25 and 30 million.
Finally, Salvador Losa, Councillor for Sports, also extended the Council’s support for this project of UD Ibiza, now in the Second Division, to go ahead.