The National Police of Palma has culminated a long investigation that has been developed over recent months against the prostitution of minors, mostly shelter residents, a phenomenon that was revealed exclusively by Diario de Mallorca. The police operation has resulted in seventeen detainees, including three teenagers who were recruiting their friends for prostitution. The other fourteen detainees are of legal age, who would have had sexual relations with the girls or who would have sexually exploited them.
As reported by the Policía Nacional, the operation is the fruit of a long investigation, for facts that would have occurred over the years 2018 and 2019. The agents of the Unit of Family and Minor (Ufam) of the Police initiated investigations into the prostitution of minors, many of them housed in shelters.
The first phase of the operation was carried out in August, with the arrest of three underage girls, as alleged perpetrators of a crime of corruption of minors, since they recruuited other minors to engage in prostitution.
The second phase culminated yesterday, when they proceeded to arrest fourteen people, ten men and four women, aged between 21 and 65 years, who, for the most part, contacted the minors with the aim of having sexual relations in exchange for financial remuneration, through adult contact web pages.
Likewise, six other men are being investigated as alleged perpetrators of a crime of corruption of minors.
The investigation is still open and further arrests are not ruled out.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.