According to the ‘Strategic Plan of the Health Area of Ibiza and Formentera 2022-2024’, the Hospital Can Misses intends to build a second high-resolution CAT scanner. The management of the health area, the subdirectorate of Management, and the head of the Radiodiagnosis service are already working on this project, with the goal of having a report supporting the need for a second device with these characteristics ready by the end of March.
This goal is mentioned in the fourth chapter of the comprehensive plan, which is dedicated to teaching, training, research, and innovation. ‘Create an integrated technology management plan to assure its development, updating, and maintenance,’ says point six. The document authorising the installation of the second CAT scanner is the first of four activities planned under this point for this year. The plan, in the formulation of which roughly forty specialists were involved, establishes the end of 2022 as the deadline for execution for the other three.
Can Misses currently has a high-resolution CAT scanner in its Radiodiagnosis service. Another is in the Radiotherapy unit, which is a public service run by a private company. Furthermore, the Hospital de Formentera has its own. A second CAT scanner in the hospital is not a novel concept. When the new Can Misses were introduced, it was one of the requests expressed by health professionals.