The Guardia Civil has arrested a 50-year-old woman as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of receiving stolen goods, after she was caught at Ibiza airport with several stolen mobile phones in her suitcase.
As reported by the Armed Institute on Monday, in the controls carried out by agents of the Tax and Border Service of the Civil Guard at Ibiza Airport a suitcase with suspicious objects was detected, so the owner was located.
After verifying that it belonged to the detainee and that she intended to travel to Ecuador, the agents opened the suitcase and discovered inside, hidden among the clothing and wrapped in aluminum foil, ten Apple mobile terminals, of which two were reported stolen.
For this reason, and as she did not prove the origin of the terminals, stating that a friend had given them to her, she was arrested as the author of a crime of receiving. The Civil Guard is continuing its efforts to find out the origin of the rest of the terminals.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza websiteย here.