The National Police in Ibiza arrested last Sunday, to a man of Moroccan origin and 52 years old for stealing a laptop computer from the reception of a hostel.
The events took place on Saturday at noon, at about 15.30 hoursthe receptionist left a laptop computer unattended for a few minutes at the entrance of the establishment in the Vara de Rey area.
At that moment, a man took the opportunity to enter and take the computer from the reception, according to the security forces in a press release.
The owner went to the police station to report the theft and the agents began an investigation to identify the suspect. The National Police located the man at 2 am on Sunday in the Plaza del Parque and arrested him on suspicion of theft.
The alleged offender was carrying two bags with various items, including, two motorcycle helmets, three pairs of gloves and various tools. The agents seized the items, as the detainee could not prove that they belonged to him.
For the moment, the Police continues with the inquiries to check if these objects come from some other criminal act. The detainee has been placed at the disposal of the Court de Instrucción de Guardia in Ibiza.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.