In a context of falling incidence and contagions, Health considers it “quite reasonable” to forget the mask in outdoor spaces this summer. However, the Government insists that it will not support changes that are not agreed on in the Interterritorial Council in which the autonomous communities and the Ministry of Health are cited.
“If the situation remains the same as now, it is reasonable to believe that this summer we could be without a mask in open environments,” the spokesman for the Committee on Infectious Diseases Balears, Javier Arranz stressed this morning.
This expert has indicated that the decision to relax the use of the mask “should be taken in common” with the other communities. “We are not too far from reaching this situation, but it will depend on how vaccination goes. And we have to see how it will behave when it reaches the younger age groups, who are the most mobile,” said Arranz, who appeared with the director general of IB-Salut, Juli Fuster.
“With higher vaccination rates, the more we can begin to think about freeing ourselves from restrictions. We are taking steps progressively, and the following will be the issue of the mask,” he added.
On Monday the president of the Government, Francina Armengol, expressed the same opinion regarding a relaxation of the use of the mask unilaterally on the islands. “At the moment the Balearic Islands is not yet for the decision to remove masks. Little by little our lives are normalising and when possible, we will remove them in outdoor spaces,” he said after visiting the new laboratory of Public Health.