The Policía Nacional have arrested a 31 year old man of Dominican origin as the alleged perpetrator of a sexual assault on a minor on Ibiza. The man was arrested by the agents in his own home, where he had convinced the young girl to go and talk calmly about their relationship
The two had met days before, having had a sexual encounter and the man wanted to continue this relationship with the minor, to which the minor opposed, and the man convinced the girl to go to his home to talk to him. Finally, and in response to the minor’s refusal to have sexual relations with the man, he forced her to have a second sexual encounter with him despite the knowledge of the young woman’s repeated refusal for such an encounter.
Sexual assault after the minor’s refusal for second sexual encounter
After the end of the sexual assault, the minor managed to leave the home without opposition from the male, at which time she took the opportunity to go to the Policía Nacional station on Ibiza to report what had happened.
The police officers who attended the girl, given the seriousness of the facts, the state of nervousness presented by the minor and after attending her, moved the girl to Can Misses hospital to be assisted, and proceeded to immediatly arrest the alleged perpetrator for a crime of sexual assault.
The detainee, has already brought to the attention of the duty court.
Telephone number against violence against women
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.