Lean” and “Purple Drank” are the two common names given to a recreational drug that has gained popularity among young people, but poses serious health risks. This drug is composed of a dangerous combination of cough syrup, soda, and candy, and its use has already been reported in Alicante.

The cough syrup utilized in this concoction contains codeine, a potent analgesic commonly used to alleviate coughs and mild to moderate pain. Meanwhile, soda and candy are added to enhance the flavor and overall aesthetic of the mixture.

Lean” or “purple drank” has gained popularity within hip-hop culture, especially among artists like Lil Wayne, Future, and Three 6 Mafia. The drug has even become a status symbol in some communities, becoming associated with the lavish lifestyles of rappers and their images.

Serious health consequences

Despite its popularity, “lean” or “purple drank” is a highly dangerous and addictive drug that can cause severe health consequences. The cough syrup used in the mixture contains codeine, an opioid that can easily lead to addiction. The prolonged use of codeine can result in serious health issues, including liver damage, kidney disease, respiratory disorders, and even sexual dysfunction.

Aside from the detrimental health impacts, “lean” or “purple drank” can also have adverse effects on an individual’s personal and professional life. Drug addiction can significantly hinder a person’s ability to work efficiently, study effectively, or maintain healthy relationships.

It is crucial for individuals to recognize the risks associated with drugs like “lean” or “purple drank” and abstain from their usage. If someone is grappling with addiction to this drug, it is imperative to seek professional help immediately.

A healthy alternative

For those seeking an alternative to “lean” or “purple drank” that is healthier and safer, meditation is an excellent option. Meditation is a practice that can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while having a positive impact on both mental and physical health.

Meditation has the ability to help individuals feel more calm and centered, which can significantly enhance their capacity to manage stressful situations in their daily lives. In addition, it can improve the quality of sleep, leading to an overall positive impact on one’s health.

Moreover, meditation can assist individuals in cultivating greater self-awareness and understanding of their thoughts and emotions, thereby improving their capacity to make positive and healthy decisions in their lives.

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.