MadHouse, a Brazilian musical duo now based in the Ibiza music scene, unveiled their latest music video, “Animal,” on February 29th via their YouTube channel. Directed by members Thiago Casarejos and Lio Junior, the video presents a distinctive blend of eighties and futuristic Tokyo, despite being filmed in São Paulo, Brazil. The set included a roller disco, a nod to the 1980s’ skating rinks, involving a production team of 18 people. The post-production was completed in Ibiza throughout 2023 with a local content creation company. “Animal” is part of their upcoming debut EP, “Get Mad,” featuring six tracks influenced by their experiences in Ibiza and a fusion of electronic music. The duo has also announced plans for a special remix of “Animal” by Lisbon-based DJ and producer Likx, along with the anticipation of re-releasing “MadHouse the Jazz and Blues Sessions” in a compact format. This music video marks a significant step in their artistic evolution, reflecting their inspiration and ambition to explore new musical territories.
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