As of this Friday, the city of Ibiza will become a Area 30 a designation of the urban area where the streets have a limit of 30 kilometers per hour for motorized vehicles, as reported in a note from the Consistory. The objective of this measure is to reduce the accident rate, a more fluid mobility and a reduction in pollution.
The Ibiza Town Council has approved this decree of the Municipal Ordinance of Circulation which includes all urban roads in Ibiza, with the exception of those that are not municipally owned. The initial approval of this decree was made on September 30, 2024 after proposing it to the full City Council. The publication of the BOIB was made on December 24 after the final approval was made on the 19th of the same month.
This new regulation was proposed because it was considered convenient for the series of benefits it brings to the citizenship, highlights the communiqué of the City Council, such as a reduction in traffic accidents and serious injuries, apart from improving traffic flow and pacification of driving, since by reducing the speed there are also fewer accelerations and sudden braking. Noise pollution is also significantly reduced.
Less pollution
In urban areas where these changes have already been implemented, reductions in average noise pollution levels of 2.5 decibels have been observed, according to the City Council. On the environmental side, there is also the fact that polluting smoke emissions are reduced by 17 to 48 percent, in addition to reducing fuel or electricity consumption, in the case of electric vehicles.
For all these reasons, the City Council of Ibiza has seen fit to approve this decree that seeks to improve safety on urban roads.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.