American actor Leonardo DiCaprio has been spotted with supermodel Gigi Hadid, his ex-partner, in London, days after being in Ibiza and Formentera with fellow model Meghan Roche.
The American portal TMZ has published several images showing DiCaprio and Hadid, accompanied by DiCarpio’s father and his current wife.
According to the American media, the model, the actor and their relatives went to dinner on Tuesday night at a central London restaurant.
Two days after being in Ibiza
The photos are surprising, above all, because of the short space of time that has passed between DiCaprio’s vacation in Ibiza accompanied by Meghan Roche and the date with Hadid.
In theory, the actor and the most famous of the daughters of the Hadid clan, 27, had been in a romantic relationship but, according to the press, in March this year they put an end to their relationship.
From that moment, the actor has been photographed with different escorts, all very young, such as Victoria Lamas or the French Eden Polani.
Sergio Garrido
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.