In the aftermath of a devastating DANA storm in Valencia, a young volunteer from Ibiza describes the tense atmosphere surrounding the arrival of King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, and officials such as Pedro Sánchez and Carlos Mazón in Paiporta, where residents expressed frustration through shouting and even throwing objects. The volunteer, who declined to be named, was on the ground with others, clearing mud and debris when emotions erupted, as locals decried what they saw as a delayed response to the disaster. Amid scenes he likened to a “war zone,” the volunteer praised the King for his composure in the face of public anger. Streets remain heavily damaged with lingering mud, wrecked vehicles, and submerged roads, creating ongoing challenges. Though the volunteer noted widespread sadness and helplessness among locals, he also saw solidarity, with people from across Spain arriving to lend a hand. However, he stressed that the affected areas urgently require specialised aid and heavy machinery to remove debris and make streets safe again.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.