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UFC pro fighter assaults Formentera cab driver

El conductor está ingresado en Can Misses por las lesiones que le ocasionó en la cara el luchador de UFC italiano Alessio Di Chirico, que la emprendió a puñetazos con él dentro del vehículo de transporte público

The driver is hospitalized at Can Misses for injuries caused to his face by the Italian UFC fighter Alessio Di Chirico, who punched him inside the public transport vehicle

Di Chirico accompanied by his wife and two children, called a cab from a restaurant where they had dinner to go to the hotel establishment in es Pujols where they were staying. At the beginning of the race, the family asked the cab driver to allow the four passengers to ride in the back of the cab of the vehicle, to which the driver refused because the traffic regulations prevented it. The father then sat in the front seat, next to the driver.

who is Alessio Di Chirico, the fighter who assaulted a cab driver in Ibiza?

who is Alessio Di Chirico, the fighter who has assaulted a cab driver in Ibiza?

According to the account of the family circle of Omar Bouhia, the man was all the way, berating and criticizing him his refusal to have the four of them travel together in the back seats.

The aggression

Upon arrival at his destination this martial arts professional, after paying for the race and without a word, and punched the cab driver and caused him serious injuries to the right side of his face.

Ib-Salut reported that in the early hours of Monday night the assaulted cab driver had to be transferred by helicopter from Formentera to the hospital of Eivissa, Can Misses. The victim, 32 years old, resident of Formentera, suffers a facial trauma as a result of the assault.


El supuesto agresor sale de las dependencias de la Guardia Civil en FormenteraThe alleged aggressor leaves the premises of the Guardia Civil in Formentera G.C.

According to the family’s information, the punches caused him to a fractured cheekbone and injuries to the right eyeballwhere glass from the glasses he was wearing was embedded and broken by the assailant. He is scheduled to undergo surgery in the next few hours.

Another account from the family circle points to the fact that the wife, who was riding in the back, tried to pull her husband out of the seat to stop him from hitting the driver.

Both the owner of the cab’s license and the driver have filed a complaint with the Guardia Civilwho arrested the man in the early hours of Monday morning.

The official note of the Civil Guard notes that early in the morning of Monday, received notice of an assault on a man in the town of es Pujols. The agents observed a male of Spanish nationality, said he was a cab driver, who had suffered aggression from a customer after paying him the race.

Surveillance camera

The civil guards alerted the health services, who evacuated the injured man to the medical center, and after viewing the images from a camera outside the hotel where the events had occurred, they were able to confirm what had happened, and that the woman had tried to stop her husband’s aggression.

The alleged assailant was immediately arrested at the hotel without putting up any resistanceaccording to Guardia Civil sources.

The Formentera Taxi Drivers Association has given all its support to the driver while condemning the aggression. According to a statement, “the whole sector is shocked by the seriousness of the events that occurred,” which they “strongly” condemn. The association recalls that “the cab is a public transport service in which sometimes situations of disagreement may occur due to ignorance of the rules by some passengers, but it should never be forgotten that at the wheel of each cab there is a human being with a family and that verbal violence or aggression will never be a good way to resolve conflicts”, and is at the disposal of the assaulted colleague, to whom they wish “a speedy recovery”.

Repulse of the parties

For its part Gent per Formentera (GxF)party in which Omar Bouhia occupies the 14th place in the list for the Consell del 28M, issued yesterday a statement of “strong condemnation”, once the facts were verified. This party recalls that “Omar Bouhia has been assaulted while working”, and expresses its support for “a speedy recovery”, in addition to “strongly condemning this aggression”.

“This is a clear example of the visitor we do not want on our island we want people who respect our environment and our people; we do not want to be slaves of those who come looking for luxury thinking that because they pay they can do anything”, GxF sentence.

“We want all those people like Omar who live and work in Formentera can do so freely and quietly without suffering for their integrity, so we will continue to defend an island model where luxury is the tranquility of our environment and the proximity of our treatment. Let’s say no to aggressions and yes to the people of Formentera and Formentera like Omar”, he concludes.

For its part, the coalition of Sa Unió (PP-Compromís) also condemned the violent action that has taken place “against a neighbor of the island who was doing his job”. This formation considers that “this type of actions are always a wrong way and produce our deepest rejection”. They also wish “the speedy recovery of Omar Bouhia and that the aggressor is judged and condemned for his actions. Violence can never come for free,” he concludes.

On the other hand, thesocialist party of Formentera (PSOE) condemned “any aggression to the workers of the island, especially those who provide a service to travelers who visit every year”: “Once again we have seen how a mournful act has been the protagonist of the island news”, considered the socialists, “in this case a cab driver who has been the victim of gratuitous violence by a tourist”.

“A vile and inhuman action of which a neighbor of our island has been a victim and that other times have suffered other professionals who work to give the best face of our society to people who want to discover Formentera,” the note continued. The PSOE also wished the victim “a speedy recovery”.


For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.

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