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Ibiza Town
Monday, September 16, 2024

‘Woman’ Exhibition at Far de ses Coves Blanques for 8M

The exhibition for the Sant Antoni Women's Day will be inaugurated this Thursday at 7.30 p.m

The Far de ses Coves Blanques de Sant Antoni opens this Thursday, March 7, at 7.30 pm, the exhibition ‘Woman’, with works by several of the artists who make up the Associaciรณ Multiart d’Ibiza (AMAE). The exhibition commemorates the celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8, which vindicates all women and the full equality of their rights since 1975, the day this Declaration was adopted by the UN. woman’ shows the tribute that ten artists offer, each one in their personal style, to women, in disciplines such as painting, sculpture and ceramics. In painting: Antonio Mendoza, Francesca Fontana, Josรฉ Mยช Cabello, Josรฉ Felipe Coy and Marga Guasch. In sculpture: Ana Jakimow, Antonio Arco and Julian Molina. In ceramics: Melinda Balis.

The exhibition will remain open to the public until March 29th from Tuesday to Friday from 5 to 8 p.m.; Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 to 8 p.m.. Mondays and holidays closed.

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza websiteย here.

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