The island’s city councils will process the new call for applications for covid aid aimed at vulnerable families, which caused the administrative collapse of the Consell de Ibiza and long queues in the street in the final days of the application period.
To avoid the problems caused by the management of this aid, the Consell has decided that the local councils should take over, according to the president of the Consell, Vicent Marí.
“We launched this call for applications because we thought it would be a way to be more agile, but it wasn’t. We will divide the work with the city councils. The hope is that the aid will go out and reach the people as soon as possible,” says Marí.
The president explains that he has already spoken to the island’s town halls to ensure that the processing is done through the municipal social services. “Let’s not forget that the city councils are the competent ones,” the president points out.
President Vicent Marí, in his office at the Consell this July. V. MARÍ.
In the plenary session held by the institution last April, a proposal from the PSOE group was approved so that this line of aid would be “urgently” reintroduced.
The Consell de Ibiza will manage the other three types of aid, those aimed at women who are victims of gender violence, people with disabilities who find it difficult to find work, and families who take in minors under protection measures.
Aid for vulnerable families
It should be noted that the bulk of the demand for this call for applications, which was launched last year for the first time due to the health crisis, is focused on the line aimed at vulnerable families.
Of the 1,079 applications processed last year, 427 grants were awarded (39.5% of the total number of applications), with the distribution of 474,000 euros of the 600,000 euros initially planned. Of these, 88.5% (378) were for vulnerable families (a grant of between 1,000 and 1,500 euros for each applicant). They have already been paid after eight months of management, which has been strongly criticised by the opposition.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.