On Thursday from 7:30pm, the Club Náutico Ibiza is hosting the conference ‘Pesca con tranquilidad’ (Fishing with peace of mind), a talk on fishing regulations and protected areas by Antoni Mira and Antoni Box, fishing experts from the Directorate General of Fisheries and Marine Environment of the Balearic Govern and the Eivissa Consell.
The two experts will talk about the latest developments in fishing regulations and protected areas in the Pitiüses, as well as the latest events affecting the marine reserves of Eivissa and Formentera.
This conference will be open to the public and aims to update members of the Club Nautico Ibiza and, in general, all fans of sport fishing of the basic regulations governing recreational fishing on our coast, as stated yesterday by the CNI.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.