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Ibiza Town

Book day in Ibiza

The fair will be open until 10 p.m

The bookstores of Ibiza have deployed their novelties in the Paseo de Vara de Rey. Despite the rain early in the morning and having to assemble with some delay to the usual, books and flowers have been able to take to the streets this April 23.

Among the public this morning, the children stood out. From early in the morning, ‘escoletes’, schools and institutes stroll through the central square enjoying the school day in a different way.

The school public has filled the fair during the morningThe school public filled the fair during the morning / Maite Alvite

Expectations for booksellers are good, as they have assured Diario de Ibiza.

Never before had there been so many bookstalls and roses during a Sant Jordi’s day in Vara de Rey. In total 51 stands (bookstores, publishers, institutions, associations and florists), eleven more than last year.

Sant Jordi, books and all that

Expectations are good

Expectations are good / Maite Alvite

As already reported this week from the City Council of Ibiza, “all the books have a special 10% discount to encourage reading and access to culture.”

The book fair in Passeig de s’Alamera will not close until late at night, around 10 pm.

Signings at the City Hall stand

11 am: Toni Montserrat (‘Isla negra’) and Matilde Lladó (‘La sombra de Goya’).

12 noon: Pilar Bonet (‘Náufragos del imperio’), Julio Herranz (‘Ibiza y yo. En medio siglo 1974-2024’), Vicent Marí Tur (‘A prop meu. Paisatges humans, mots llocs viscuts’), Javier Sermanz (‘El coronel milagro. Una novela de Héroe o Bestia’), David Ventura (‘Sortir a córrer, rentar-se les dents, portar-se bé’) and Maximiliano Alcañiz (‘El sentido de la marcha’).

1 p.m: Lucía Lourido (‘Frente al TDAH: más meditación, menos medicación’), Ramon Mayol (‘POEMilla’), José María Prats Marí (‘El bombardeo del acorazado Deutschland. Ibiza, 29 de mayo de 1937’) and Alessandra Rossin (‘Dime qué te duele’).

6 pm: Reinhard Huaman Mori (‘Leonora’), Francisco Marín (‘La desaparición de Carol Roig’), Bartomeu Ribes (‘Conhort i malananança per al diluït recipient del llamp’) with Toni Roca (‘Correspondència tercera i fi’), Mario Riera (‘Viatge d’aniversari’), Satone Mei (‘Languages I guess’), Sr. Mroig (‘El lobo no tan feroz’), Sílvia Torres and Antoni Marí Tirurit (‘Sa pastoreta Pepeta i s’ovella perduda’) and with Marià Torres (‘Teatre infantil’) and Maria Torres Cardona (‘Alenades. Dietari d’una reflexió de vida’).

7 pm: Carles Fabregat (‘Fletxes que ja no pertanyen a l’arc’), Vicent Ferrer Barbany (‘Eivissa a contrallum’), Bernat Joan (‘Batalla olímpica’), Belén Liñán (‘La estructura de la fiebre’), Paquita Marí Boned (‘Avi’), Meritxell Rius and Carol Tur (‘Has sentit mai ses pagellides?’), Montse Rovira (‘Diverses. Poemari rescabalat’), Eva Tur Antonio (‘Kilimanjaro’) and Pere Vilàs Gil (‘Los corsarios ibicencos de los siglos XVIII y XIX’).

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.

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