Saturday, February 15, 2025
15 C
Ibiza Town

Nightclubs will be allowed to remain open up to 2 a.m., but dancing will not be permitted

The ministry's measures are compulsory

The Ministry of Health and the Autonomous Communities gave their consent this Wednesday to the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System the mandatory compliance document for the new normal to reopen pubs and nightclubs. The opening of nightlife venues may be authorised when the epidemiological situation of the autonomous community in which the venue is located is outside the risk levels or at alert level 1 in accordance with the document ‘Coordinated Response Actions for the Control of the Transmission of COVID-19‘.

However, the consumption of drinks and food, inside and out, will be permitted sitting at tables, and a minimum of 1.5 meters between the chairs at different tables must be maintained.

Night-time entertainment shall close at 2:00 a.m.

The maximum seating capacity inside the premises may not exceed 50 per cent, although the outdoor terraces of these establishments may occupy the total number of tables permitted, always ensuring the aforementioned distance between tables.

The closing time for these establishments shall be 2 a.m. at the latest. However, when the territorial COVID-19 control reference unit of the autonomous community in which the facility is located is at alert level 2, provided that the additional indicators for assessing the alert level show a favourable development, the Autonomous Community may consider allowing the opening of nightlife venues with the restrictions proposed in the document ‘Coordinated Response Actions for the Control of the Transmission of COVID-19’.

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