A motorcyclist was seriously injured after being involved in a traffic accident against a car in Formentera this morning at 8.56 hours. The victim, from 25 years old ecuadorian nationality, had to be evacuated by helicopter to Ibiza due to her condition.
The accident occurred in the kilometer 10.5 of the Mola road, as reported by 061 in a press release.
Upon receiving the warning, the emergency service has gone to the scene of the accident with an ambulance of Advanced Life Support (ALS) to attend to the injured man, who had several fractures.
After the medical staff checked his state of health, the young man was transferred to the Can Misses Hospital by a medicalized helicopter.
For the moment, he is stable within the gravity and remains under observation in the Emergency Department.
Two serious motorcyclists in one day
This is not the only serious accident that has occurred in recent hours on the island. Early this morning, at 2.04 hoursanother woman had to be taken by helicopter to Can Misses after colliding with a car.
The woman, from 28 years old and Italian nationalityis stable, within the gravity, and remains under observation in the emergency room, as reported by the Health Area of Ibiza and Formentera (ASEF).
The man who was traveling in the car, 32 years old, was also injured but with a slight prognosis. For the moment, he remains under observation at the Hospital de Formentera and is expected to be discharged this morning.
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.