23.9 C
Ibiza Town
Monday, May 6, 2024

The TSJB endorses ban on smoking on the terraces of bars in the Balearic Islands

Los magistrados rechazan el recurso de un ciudadano que consideraba vulnerados sus derechos fundamentales

The High Court of Justice of the Balearic Islands (TSJB) has endorsed the ban on smoking on the terraces of bars decreed by the Govern. The contentious administrative chamber has rejected the allegations of a citizen who considered it a violation of their fundamental rights. The sentence, to which DIARIO de MALLORCA has had access, considers that this measure does not involve any discrimination or affect the right to privacy, as the appellant claimed, who is also ordered to pay the costs of the legal proceedings.

Ban on smoking approved for terraces

The sentence, signed by the magistrates Gabriel Fiol, Pablo Delfont and Carmen Frigola, thus approves the measure approved on February 28th by the Government, which prohibits smoking on terraces of public premises even if a safety distance of two meters is maintained.

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.

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