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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Ibiza women who sew to help

The Cala de Bou Women's Association, which has already made hearts for women who have undergone breast cancer surgery, have donated small bags for colon cancer at Can Misses Hospital and raised funds by selling masks for the Aspanob Association

“When we arrived in Ibiza we were all sad, because we left behind family, friends and our homeland. But now we have a place to meet, the women’s association, which we carry with affection”, recited María Madrigal yesterday, a poem she personally composed to reflect on the reality experienced by the women of the Cala de Bou women’s association. The association was created in 2004 and is made up, for the most part, of women who emigrated from the mainland to the island during the 60s and 70s.

During the creation of the group, they held activities such as workshops, gymnastics or swimming. “But we realised that we could take advantage of our sewing skills and the free time we have to make things for associations that need them”, explains Remedios Tomillero, president of the association.

770A80Ca 3D46 41E7 Bc9A 697A58A6C656 16 9 Aspect Ratio Default 0 &Ndash; Diario De Ibiza NewsThe last two projects of the association | VICENT MARÍ

Sew to help

This women’s association has carried out many initiatives. The women themselves say that in most cases, the associations come to them with orders. “They tell us what they need, the quantities they need, the exact measurements, because both the bags and the hearts have to have an exact weight and size to be able to fulfil their function, and we sew them completely free of charge”, says Antonia González, vice-president of the association.

The last two projects carried out by these women are: bags for people who have undergone colon cancer surgery, which they donated directly to Can Misses Hospital, and the masks, in this case to sell them and donate the money they raised to the Asociación de Padres con Niños con Cáncer de Balears (Aspanob).

For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.

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