The collision of two trains at the Montcada i Reixac-Manresa station (Barcelona) has left at least 150 people injured on Wednesday, 150 in a minor condition and 5 in very minor condition, according to Protección Civil. The accident has forced the interruption of traffic on lines R-4, R-7 and R-12 in both directions, but the carriages are now running on single a track.
Imágenes del accidente entre 2 trenes en montcada I reixac.
— David Puig (@David_focus86) December 7, 2022
The accident occurred at around 7:50am when, for reasons under investigation, a train traveling in the direction of Barcelona rear-ended another train that was at the station and was also heading for the Catalan capital.
The Montcada-Manresa line was the alternative service given to passengers on the R-2 Nord and R-11 lines, also cut this week in Montcada i Reixac due to the final stretch of the works at the new Sant Andreu station.
Train accident: protocol activated
The affected trains covered the R-4 line of Renfe’s Rodalies, whose circulation has been paralyzed, as well as that of the R-7 and R-12 lines, in both directions.
Renfe sources have informed Efe that the circumstances surrounding the accident are not yet known, which has forced the activation of the protocol for these types of accidents in collaboration with Protecció Civil and the Medical Emergency System (SEM).
For the full article, please visit Diario de Ibiza website here.