“We do our best to adhere to the regulations, but we recognize that some customers will patronize another smaller restaurant in town if they are not required to present the covid certificate.” This observation was made by Vicent Roig, one of the owners of Bar Costa in Santa Gertrudis, on the day (yesterday) that the Government’s measure requiring customers to present a covid pass in nightclubs, cocktail bars, cafes, concerts, pubs, and local celebrations with more than fifty attendees, as well as catering establishments with a capacity of more than 50 people, went into effect.
Roig makes it clear that he is not opposed to the Balearic Executive’s measure, but questions several of the conditions detailed in today’s (yesterday’s) BOIB, most notably that “those responsible for establishments will be required to have staff at the entrance to conduct access control.” “If this measure helps to slow the spread of the pandemic, I believe it is a good thing, but its implementation will be complicated by the fact that there will be many customers opposed and the staff will be severely limited to assign someone specifically to control this,” explains the head of the Bar Costa. Use the Govern verificacovid.ibsalut.es application to scan the QR codes on the covid passports in this establishment. Vicent Roig approaches a group of friends who are about to enter the premises and requests the covid pass.
They are all in possession of it except Samuel. His friends walk him through the process of downloading it to his mobile phone. “I believe it is beneficial that people are not compelled to get vaccinated but that establishments require the covid certificate,” this young Ibizan believes. Valentina also recognizes that this documentation is necessary if it “provides additional security for the restoration,” but Nuria is unsure how to respond to this requirement. “If it helps people get vaccinated, I believe it is beneficial, but I understand that it also generates rejection,” he says. There is something for everyone among the patrons of this popular establishment in Santa Gertrudis. “I believe this is a fantastic measure that should have been implemented sooner,” Jesus says. However, Angel, who is sharing a table with another friend from Barcelona, is completely opposed to it: “I believe it is a burden on customers, and owners of catering establishments must be compliant with this tax,” he regrets.
The owners of Bar Restaurant Santa Gertrudis, located adjacent to Bar Costa, accept the Government’s measure with resignation. “On the one hand, it seems reasonable; it would be much worse to have to close the interior of the premises,” says Xico Torres, the owners’ son. “I believe it is an extreme measure to require someone to stand at the door and ask for the covid certificate as if it were an access control, and to request the ID to verify the identity seems to me to be a compromise; I am not a police officer.” I’m not going to fight people who are already sufficiently burned. “I want my customers to feel comfortable in my establishment,” he continues. Maria José, his sister, has consulted the BOIB this morning and informs you of all the details. She explains that the day before (Friday), she was in the restaurant in the afternoon to assist all wait staff in downloading the verificacovid.ibsalut.es application.
Milagros Pierna, her husband Paco Torres, her mother-in-law Maria Escandell, and her niece Lourdes Pierna are seated at a four-person table inside the restaurant. “I believe it is acceptable if it is the only way to ensure that people receive vaccinations,” Lourdes says. “We are a cautious and conscientious people,” her aunt continues.
Covid pass: “A nightclub doorman”
They have posted a sign at the restaurant Can Caus’s entrance door informing customers that they must present the covid certificate. Gustavo Gutiérrez Venero, the establishment’s hostess, requests this documentation from a newly arrived couple. Both of them were foresighted enough to download it to their smartphones. “I look like a nightclub bouncer,” jokes the person in charge of greeting and escorting customers to their tables at Can Caus. He is dissatisfied with the newly enacted measure. For him, this entails “doing twice the work.” “At 2 p.m. tomorrow (today), 250 diners will arrive; I’m going to have an impressive queue,” he laments.